Advertising Innovator: Paul Rand

When people think of Paul Rand, it’s his bodywork of corporate identities that often come to mind. Paul Rand, an American art director and graphic designer, has designed major logos such as IBM, UPS, Enron, Morningstar, Inc., Westinghouse, ABC and NeXT.

Rand’s work in logos have been considered timeless works, as many of them are still in use as is. He was ahead of his time, as in the 50s and 60s, most businesses did not understand and appreciate the value of design as a branding tool. A tool, which Paul Rand promoted through his career, proving a well thought out logo positively affects the business it represents. He has been credited for giving graphic designers of his time a reputable profession to work in.


Paul Rand’s most iconic and important corporate identity was his IBM logo. Designed in 1956, Rand modified it in 1972, by adding in the stripes, a half-tone technique used to make the IBM mark lighter and more dynamic. The IBM model has been described as “not just an identity but a basic design philosophy which permeated corporate consciousness and public awareness” by Mark Favermann.

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